Come with me to the transplant

5 marca, 2024
I took you with me on dialysis then why not take you to the transplant? I invite everyone who is still waiting for their chance and those who are curious about the whole process around surgery:)

TELEPHONE with the information that there is a kidney for me I received on the night of 06 to 07 February 2024. Fortunately, I did not have to travel far, everything happens within Warsaw. It is known, emotions, phone calls to loved ones, quick packing of the bag and on the road. I do not hide, we rushed like crazy, a little unnecessarily because it does not look as spectacular as in the movies:D About 20 minutes waiting to be admitted to the ward, the first blood tests and you can „go to sleep”. Of course, it is not easy at such a time! In the morning Kasienka was already with me and…. further hours of waiting:D It turned out that I go to the table as the second, because before me will be a patient with a kidney and pancreas transplant. Of such technical things, of course, you can not eat, drink, you have to shave and bathe with such a special soap. And also new for me I got some mouthwash before the operation:D

GOOD, LET’S GO! Downstairs nice atmosphere, everyone was smiling, it’s friendly. I got a sleeper only in a vein, the last time I had a mask for it still (in my opinion- without it is better because later there is no that aftertaste after the operation). I have the impression that each of the anesthesiologists (in my opinion the nicest doctors of all) has their own technique for entertaining the patient before falling asleep:D This one just hummed to himself;) UPDATE. After the operation, the first thing I remember is that I had the feeling that I was suffocating. It turned out that a quick peacock (xd) saved my life hhahhahah. After that, you know, I remember as if through a fog. Something there hurt, but I was half conscious. Around 11 (?) they called me for dialysis, so I still had to try to eat KLEIK and kisel for breakfast, yum yum. On dialysis I was still semi-conscious, on average I could look at the phone at all. From dialysis I already went to the ward (because I was in post-op in the morning). And still- they put a venflon into an artery, a drain and a catheter in my sleep, so I missed a lot of unpleasantness. Then I went for an ultrasound. There it turned out that the kidney wasn’t quite working as it should. I was given a super-grazed kidney with 3 arteries (that’s supposedly a lot) and my, as it were… Not very efficient (xd) body was not able to cooperate with it. So, I was offered a no-brainer-we operate and try to save-either it works or we cut out the kidney right away and repeat the fun. In retrospect, it’s a good thing that it all happened day after day, because I didn’t have time to rest and my head and body just had a big squeeze at once. This time in the operating room the situation was a little more tense, everything was fast, supposedly there was a fight against time. This time a sleeper in the vein + mask. From additional „conveniences” they put me in the control panel in my sleep, so again a little suffering I missed:)

WAKE UP. Again, everything as if through a fog, I just asked if my mother could come in for a moment to ask if I at least still had a kidney in meXD The surgery was successful, now I just had to get in tune with the kidney and it with me. From Thursday’s revision until Sunday I was cut out of life. Seriously. It wasn’t crazy, but the first walks and minimal stretching were behind me. Since Monday, life started coming back to me. Literally, because since Monday my kidney started working for the first time and there was the first major pee! As of Tuesday, in fact, the kidney was already „dilated,” meaning that it had taken on its first function. Now it just needs to start cleaning me. For the first few days, the drops in creatinine (because it will be the main reference level) were spectacular. Below 4 mg/dl, it began to drop much more slowly, so we are again being patient.

WHAT ELSE BESIDES THAT? After the revision I still had drops in hemoglobin, so they transfused me with 3 units of blood (strange situation that we transfuse when hgb is above 7, and I was able to manage at 5 without additional supportXD). I also take blood thinning injections all the time, it’s probably standard procedure, but I’m letting you know so you have as much information as possible:) After dialysis, it was also mega ironic to hear that my potassium and sodium were too low :”) So I HAVE to make up for it with the tomatoes. To live and not die, in the hospital alone I’ve already eaten 3 huge portions of tomato soup (kisses Mom and Konrad<3), and a tomato for a sandwich tastes like ambrosia. 

DREN. After the relative stabilization of the kidney, another problem arose. The standard procedure is to take out the drain 3 days after surgery. Well, unfortunately, I do not know where in my small body all the time accumulated a mega amount of fluid, which is drained into the drain. At one point (as if there was not enough excitement so far), one of the doctors suggested that perhaps additional urine was collecting there. In a nutshell, this would mean that we need to operate and anastomose the place from which this urine is escaping. I can’t hide, it really cost me a lot of stress, because I was just starting to get back to life, and here such suggestions. Fortunately, after verifying the creatinine from the contents of the drain, it turned out that everything is normal. Still not sure where it came from, but somewhere a lot of it had accumulated in me. Ultimately, I had the drain for 15 days.

A bit of it has already accumulated, and I would not like to bore you. Here I will end, but I think I will write more in the next entry about the hospital, new medications, physical changes in the body or summary impressions after time.

Take care,
Olahola xo
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