History of one triple-kidney person

18 września, 2023 * olahola
A young man’s head is teeming with numerous ideas on how he would like to conquer the world, make a difference, leave a mark. I’m glad that, despite the passing years, I still have not only a baby face, but also a youthful mind and a corresponding desire to have an impact on the reality around me.

The idea for this blog has been germinating in me for several months, and so I went from a flurry of thoughts to quietly sharing the idea with those closest to me, doing research and organizing the topic in my head until I create the first post. Moments after my life had to go through a reorganization in November, I came across an interview whose talk was about a woman who was in a situation similar to mine. Unfortunately, I can’t say that after reading the interview my life turned 180 degrees and all difficulties ceased to matter, but it showed me a different perspective. Being able to see that another person had dealt with the difficulties I was experiencing at the time brought me a lot of peace. Over the following weeks, I thought a lot about how I was affected by the conversation I had read. During this time, the thought often ran through my head of how much of a difference it could make to learn about someone else’s perspective, a person in a similar situation.

That’s when I first thought that my story might matter. The story of a girl who flipped out as a kid on the dance floor, who later didn’t see the world outside of volleyball for more than six years, who taskingly became a rebellious teenager during her teenage years. A girl who was lost and looking for a solution in her psychology studies, all the way to a (not much bigger) but already a little older girl who started slowly putting things back together in her head, is defending her master’s degree in psychology this year and who is very happy. In the background of all this, I was also a kidney transplant recipient for more than 18 years,and since last November I have been on dialysis, where I will soon be able to start qualifying for another transplant. I realized that there is no better expert in this field than a person who has been connected to the topic of life after transplantation every day for 23 years.

Using my story as an example, I would like to show people in a similar situation what my parents taught me from a young age – that the disease, despite being incurable in itself, is not a sentence. Our reality will always be different from those who are not affected, but at the same time it is possible to treat this situation as a background in our lives. A background with which we will always start and end the day. It’s just that there is still plenty of time in between, which can (and even should!) be put to good use:) The second audience I would like to direct this blog to is people who have never been exposed to the broad topic of transplantation. Especially now that I’m in the midst of dialysis therapy, I see how many things that are obvious to me in others (even those who have known my situation for many years) are incomprehensible or simply unknown. Being a kind of buffer between people who are in contact with the disease on a daily basis and those who are not in contact at all gives space to talk about organ donation. Experience, on this topic has shown me that there is much to talk about 😉

Finally, I would like to know your feelings about the above posted content. Do you manage to combine dialysis, or the eternal ingestion of drugs and medical checks with other activities? Have you talked to your relatives about your attitude toward organ donation? I hope I have encouraged you to reflect:)

Thank you for sharing this with you,
Olahola xo
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1 rok temu

Hey, pozdrawiam po ktx 2019 🤗👍 Coś mi mówi że to zdjęcie to z Lindleya ☺️ Trzymam kciuki, u mnie od roku kłopoty z nerka przez urologie ale jakoś próbuje złapać byka za rogi a on ciągle mnie zrzuca i tak bawimy się nieustannie 🤣